Protecting Your Home
In The Wildland
Urban Interface
What's The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)?
The WUI is the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development. It is the line or area where homes and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels.
Below you will find information and links to learn more about wildland fire preparedness.
Backyard/Debris Burning
Escaped debris burns are the leading human cause of wildfires in Oregon. Fall and spring are ideal times to reduce excess vegetation around your home that could pose an escaped fire threat.
Lawn mowers and chain saws are examples of equipment that can cause a wildfire when sparks ignite vegetation such as grass, weeds, or bark dust. If burning is the only option to dispose of woody material, please follow safe burning practices.
Visit the Oregon State Fire Marshal for tips...

Preparing Your Home
Preparing for all fire exposures, not picking and choosing only one, is vital for improving home and building survival chances.
Along with protecting from fire exposure, hardening homes from exposure to embers that can travel great distances is one important piece in achieving structure survival.
Visit the U.S. Fire Administration for tips...