General Beach Information
Recreational fires are allowed on the beach unless restricted due to fire season. Burning must be 50 feet away from dune grass. You cannot burn plastics, glass, nails, pallets, or driftwood. You may burn natural, untreated wood.
Fire Pits must be 3 feet or smaller, both in diameter and height, when your done enjoying your fire please do not bury it in sand, the coals can remain hot into the next day and other visitors, pets, and children have been burned before from walking through a buried fire. Please spread your coals out, separate the wood, douse with water, and leave the fire to go out.
Dogs are allowed off leash if under voice control, you are responsible for their behavior.
Remove you trash when you leave. There are trash receptacles on the prom
Camping and tents are prohibited on the beach, 3-sided sun shelters are allowed
Watercraft cannot be launched or landed on Seaside's beach.
For a complete list of rules and regulations for Oregon's beaches visit: OPRD rules
Keep You and Your Group Safe:
The North West offers some of the most beautiful wilderness and pristine beaches to explore in the world. When enjoying the ocean you must understand and respect it. 97 deaths related to the ocean have been reported for 2018 alone, according to the National Weather Service. It is critical that you understand the dangers associated with going to the beach. Learn all about Beach Safety here. Understand rip current safety, find out more information at USLA.org.
Remember never attempt to rescue someone in distress if you are not trained or equipped to do so. Many of our rescues involve the original victim and a good Samaritan who got themselves into trouble as well. Call 911, and keep the victim in sight to give the Lifeguards a report when they arrive.
The beach can be a fun and enjoyable experience when coming to visit Seaside. Remember Lifeguards may not be on duty so it's up to you to stay safe.
Emergency Response:
Emergency responders are on the beach from Memorial Day weekend through Labor day to provide a public education and quick response to emergencies. Our lifeguards respond to all medical emergencies from the water to the Promenade and are fully equipped with the necessary medical gear including AEDs. The Lifeguards regularly work with Seaside Police, Medix Ambulance, and the US Coast Guard. Lifeguards are ambassadors of the beach and interact with the public on a daily basis to provide information, safety tips, medical care and if needed water rescue.
The lifeguards spend a majority of their time in preventative lifeguarding--that is stop a situation before it becomes an emergency. This is done
through public interaction, checking water conditions regularly throughout the day and posting signs if needed warning of particular dangerous areas and going in the water to check on swimmers before they need help.
The Lifeguards operate from one single elevated tower in front of the turnaround.
Yellow Semaphores can be seen up and down the 3 mile stretch of beach on Seaside.
These posts have a signal that can be pulled to visual identification of an emergency, but are also labeled with the street they are in front of.
In an emergency, it is helpful to tell the 911 dispatcher what semaphore you are closest too.
Employment Opportunities:
For over 100 years, Seaside lifeguards have scanned the beaches making them a safer place to recreate. More information about the requirements can be found at the Job Description link. Below are things to work on to get ready to join the team that has kept Seaside's beach goers safe for the last century. Apply Online.
1- Gain knowledge of the water
Being a beach lifeguard is very different from lakes or swimming pools. Understanding the ocean, from the rip current to the varying tides, is imperative to be successful.
2- Become competent on the rescue board.
The rescue board is a hugely important piece of equipment and you need to be able to get a rescue board out through surf! Surf boards are very similar so taking up surfing is a great way to become proficient.
3- Get fit
When aquatic emergencies arise, time is of the essence and being physically prepared for any situation is crucial. You need to get in the pool and make sure you can swim the required time of 550 yards in less than 10 minutes.
4- Pass your driving test
Patrolling the beach making public contact, doing preventative lifeguarding and driving around looking for lost children is part of the routine, having your license is also a requirement to be hired at Seaside.
5- Be open to learning
The emergency rescue field has an infinite knowledge base, there is always something new to learn and ways to improve. Remember that you are surrounded by people with lots of experience and knowledge. Be humble, train hard, use your initiative and work as a team. Good luck.
If you are interested in becoming a Seaside Lifeguard, contact Division Chief David Rankin ext. 203 or Lieutenant Genesee Dennis ext. 204 at the fire station 503-738-5420.